An alkaline diet can help you to create balance in your body.
“The principle of PH balance helped me regain my health more than any other nutritional advice. Doing this one simple thing will solve many of your nutritional worries. What you eat affects your acid alkaline balance.” ~ Diana Herrington
Check out this list of symptoms of being too Acidic
Digestive Issues :
Excess stomach acid.
Acid reflux.Alkaline Diet
Saliva acidic.
Unhealthy Skin, Nails and Hair:
Nails are thin and break easily.
Dry skin.
Cracks at the corners of the lips.
Hair is dull with split ends and falls out.
Very pale face.
Teeth and Mouth Issues :
Loose teeth.
Teeth sensitive to hot, cold, or acidic foods.
Teeth have a tendency to crack or chip.
Sensitive gums.
Mouth ulcers.
Infections in throat and tonsils.
Tooth nerve pain.
Eyes, Head and General Body
Low body temperature (feels cold).
The tendency to get infections.
Leg cramps and spasms.
Eyes tear easily, conjunctivitis, inflammation of the eyelids and corneas.
Nerves and Emotions
Low energy; constant fatigue.
Being continually depressed with a loss of joy and enthusiasm.
Excessive nervousness.
Skin more elastic, youthful. alkaline diet
Deeper more restful sleep.
Abundant physical energy.
Suffer from fewer colds, headaches, flues.
Good digestion.
Less arthritis.
Reduction of candida (yeast) overgrowth.
Won’t support osteoporosis.
Increased mental acuity, mental alertness.
Legal natural high.
Did you know that the water fish swim in needs to be the correct pH to live?
Life only exists where there’s balance, and your body is totally regulated by pH!
Are you too acidic?
How to balance your pH?
The 10 tips for creating a balance of alkaline/acid in your body?
How to test your ph balance?
What are the alkaline and acid foods?
Alkalize your body with Lemon Water
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